Sunday, October 11, 2009

I've resorted to running

Though I hate running AND though I hate all of the attention I get because of my attention-screaming skin color AND though I try to stay as clean as I can for as long as I can, my body was simply begging me for some sort of cardio activity.

So I’ve started running.

If you call it that.

It’s not much, but it’s something to burn off at least a LITTLE of the bajillion carbs I’m constantly eating. And perhaps do all the other things that exercise is supposed to do for you like help me sleep better and lift my spirits n such.

Francis made a comment about how it is good for me to gain weight while I am here because it makes them feel like they are taking care of me well, but when I go back to America it will not be good and everyone will say, ‘Juliette what happened to you?’


Cheli, I think about you while I run since the village is on a slope so I’m constantly running up and down hills. And Shannon, again, I am reminded of PNG—my very few runs and your very many runs up and down the slopes!

Just in case you were wondering, they do not “go for runs or jogs” here. I suppose they get enough activity from their day to day life. . .and they eat differently. . .and being “bigger” here is considered a blessing.

Mama Jane is always telling me she wants me to “expand my territories” as she heaps loads of food onto my plate. And at church last Sunday, a woman got up to give a testimony about the Lord and she said, “I used to be a skinny little girl, but now that Lord has blessed me!” She would definitely be what we would consider “heavier.” Everyone is always talking about how they want me to go back fatter or they will feel like they have not taken care of me well and the Lord has not blessed me.

They all think that Americans care so much about what they look like and work so hard to stay skinny. I told them this is true for most people, but the reason I want to run and watch what I eat is truly because I consider being healthy as part of my relationship with the Lord. If I have the knowledge of what is good for my body, I think, as a good steward of my body, I should live out that knowledge. I simply want to use what the Lord gave me as best I can, regardless of what it looks like to any culture. I must admit though, I do a minimal job of it!

Anyways, I found the most deserted area I could find around the village, to minimize the amount of staring I get from such a strange sight—a muzungu running around, in a large circle, in a skirt.

Oh and then I stop in the middle of my circle, down by the lake shore and do some stretches and other exercises.

I’m sure that’s an even better sight.

And then there is the entertaining sight when lots of children decide to join me in my run and stretches.


Anonymous said...

That is funny!!! I am still not used of the hills here. I love all the stories and pics. Keep posting them on your blog.
Yes girl you do look white compared to the kids!! Ha and lizards you have to think I can be smarter than the lizards!

Cheli Robicheaux said...

That post was from me but I can figure out how to put my name on the list.