Monday, September 1, 2008

I saw what I saw

Watch this.

I saw what I saw

In the words of my dear friend, Blaire,

"How often have we seen injustice/pain/poverty/etc. and just let it roll right off us?

We're numb to the things around us that don't directly effect us."

We truly are numb to the things around us that don't directly effect us.

And I don't want to be numb.

I admit, sometimes the pain is too much for me to handle and my emotions get out of control about it all.

But it's better than being numb.

There is no life in numbness, can't we agree on that?

If you've felt true numbness in your own life, you know there is no true life in that.

Well I don't want to be numb to others' lives either.

Because we are deeply connected. We are one body. So I can not be numb if the rest of my body is not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man. Good.

And I agree. Numb is an easy place to find yourself and there are several ways (I think) to end up there. And that's all I've got to say about that, because otherwise I'd be writing a post in your comments section.