Saturday, November 7, 2009


Here are the "ants" they eat that I wrote about before. I just found out these are actually termites. Awesome.
This is some other insect they eat. Not really sure what it is... . .

Are these locusts? Or what? They eat this too....

The normal meal. Huge plate. Tiny kid.

This has become my new best friend. Butter. Its pretty much all i have to eat pasta with. And bread. I've eatin too much of it for sure.

Typical "sauce" with my rice or posho. Beef or pork in there.

The cake we had one night for some girl's birthday in Gaba. Not the greatest cake ever, but it wasn't bad! Check out the sweet horse on there. Pretty funny.

Where I cook my few meals. I got Zucchini and onions one night! So delicious!

Eat a lot of Irish potatoes. They are just sitting in the ground right now. Getting ready to plant them.

Chopped up mango the kids made for our "party" at the Alma house.

MMmmm mango. These are EVERYWHER. And they eat them all the time. But they eat them when they are not ripe. They give me the ripe ones like this because they know that's all we muzungus like.

Mama Jane came home with all this one day and wanted me to take a picture of it so she arranged it all beautifully like this. Funny. And declicious! Fresh produce!

HUGE avocados!!!

Jack Fruit!! These are HUGE fruit that they love to eat.

Learning to make chipati!!

I can't wait to make this when i get back!


imalooney said...

I like that it seems to be more or less arranged from least appetizing to most. Ha, those first pictures are unreal. Great pictures, though..especially nice looking one of the mango.

BCS Fitness said...

Hayden says, "thanks for the pictures!" He also says, "when he comes to visit you, he thinks he will get a tummy ache!" He also says, "he loves you and misses you!"