Some define success as getting a certain job promotion, or just having a certain job.
Some say it is just being happy.
I SAY it is. . . . drum roll please. . ..
getting 3 infants to sleep back, to back, to back.
And then soaking in the silence.
But seriously, taking care of babies is my calling in life, I believe.
So here are my precious Ugandan babies:
Another post just on Daniel coming soon.
I started to write about him but realized I was writing like 3 paragraphs on his story.
In close running for best baby also. Sleeps. Cries to eat. Eats. Sleeps. Smiles. Repeat.
Here's some fun extras. . .
Not so good baby. But obviosuly adorable. He cries a lot. A lot. And very, very loud. He always needs attention. (reminds me of another josh i know. =) )
I think he has issues with the formula . . .but there's not really any other options for him.
This is a boy, don't be mistaken. Isn't he precious?
He also cries loud and often. And I think he has issues with the formula too. . .but what can you do about it here? He's a smiley man!
It's hard to say, but if I do have a favorite it is probably Rachael.
It could be because she is the smallest.
It could be because she is a girl.
It could be because she is such a good, easy baby.
It could be because she reminds me of Emma Tillery.
Or it could be for some unknown reason!
I am starting to spend lots of time at Loving Heart's Baby Home in Gaba (across the lake from bethany village). Right now there are only these 4 babies, but hopefully in a couple of months the final paper work will be done and tons more babies will be filling this home.
They have had to turn away some babies already because the government told them they can't get anymore babies until they finish this paper work. Amy, the director, told me that a couple of babies have already passed away because they had no one to take care of them.
How horrible is that?
Please pray for the paper work to be finished quickly so that dying babies may be saved and have a completely different future!!
It could be because she is the smallest.
It could be because she is a girl.
It could be because she is such a good, easy baby.
It could be because she reminds me of Emma Tillery.
Or it could be for some unknown reason!
I am starting to spend lots of time at Loving Heart's Baby Home in Gaba (across the lake from bethany village). Right now there are only these 4 babies, but hopefully in a couple of months the final paper work will be done and tons more babies will be filling this home.
They have had to turn away some babies already because the government told them they can't get anymore babies until they finish this paper work. Amy, the director, told me that a couple of babies have already passed away because they had no one to take care of them.
How horrible is that?
Please pray for the paper work to be finished quickly so that dying babies may be saved and have a completely different future!!
All of the babies accepted in this home are "abandoned" babies. Meaning their parents are no where to be found--just left em at the hospital or somewhere worse.
I must admit, though, I have enjoyed having just 4 babies. It is enough to keep you busy but you also have enough time to have a personal relationship with each of them. There are 3 "care taker/mothers" who work different 12 hour shifts throughout the week. They are Uganda women who speak pretty good English, love Jesus, and are pretty good at what they do. I have enjoyed my time with them.
I'm pretty sure there are some families (Ugandan and American) that are in the works to maybe adopt these 4 babies. I pray for those families and for a speedy process almost every time I'm rocking these babies to sleep.
I pray for those parents right there in that moment that they will feel connected to this little heart I'm holding. I pray that that little heart will feel comforted and loved and safe in my arms until their parents can come for them. I pray that I can prepare these little hearts at least a little bit for the wonderful love and future that the Lord has in store for them. And I KNOW it is a good one.
It is seriously incredibly overwhelming to be holding this beautiful little babies and think about the life they would have had if they were not in this home. They could be dead. They would DEFINITELY be sick, underdeveloped physically, emotionally, psychologically, and mentally, lacking love, possibly not raised to know the Lord, and the list goes on and on.
But here, though they are not with their parents yet, which is a big deal, they are at least being loved, fed, given good health, protected, and taught.
I must admit, though, I have enjoyed having just 4 babies. It is enough to keep you busy but you also have enough time to have a personal relationship with each of them. There are 3 "care taker/mothers" who work different 12 hour shifts throughout the week. They are Uganda women who speak pretty good English, love Jesus, and are pretty good at what they do. I have enjoyed my time with them.
I'm pretty sure there are some families (Ugandan and American) that are in the works to maybe adopt these 4 babies. I pray for those families and for a speedy process almost every time I'm rocking these babies to sleep.
I pray for those parents right there in that moment that they will feel connected to this little heart I'm holding. I pray that that little heart will feel comforted and loved and safe in my arms until their parents can come for them. I pray that I can prepare these little hearts at least a little bit for the wonderful love and future that the Lord has in store for them. And I KNOW it is a good one.
It is seriously incredibly overwhelming to be holding this beautiful little babies and think about the life they would have had if they were not in this home. They could be dead. They would DEFINITELY be sick, underdeveloped physically, emotionally, psychologically, and mentally, lacking love, possibly not raised to know the Lord, and the list goes on and on.
But here, though they are not with their parents yet, which is a big deal, they are at least being loved, fed, given good health, protected, and taught.
All of these babies came here very malnourished and underdeveloped but they are doing so well now!! In just 3 months! Its amazing!
If you want one of these babies or the ones we will be getting soon, talk to Generations Adoptions in Waco, Texas!!!
If you want one of these babies or the ones we will be getting soon, talk to Generations Adoptions in Waco, Texas!!!
Here's some fun extras. . .
I love this post!
I LOVE the picture of you at the end too :)
juliette, you amaze me. i am so so proud to know you. you are teaching me so much, and you prob have no idea...
of course I'm reading this one especially over and over and over again. L0VE the pics. Love your heart. Mine is with you.
Ju Ju thanks for sharing the pictures and stories about these PRECIOUS babies! What a blessing to share your love with these sweet babies!
I think the one whose name is Joshua LOOKS like your brother too! Seriously, it might be the black baby version of him! haha! I loved the post too!
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