Sunday, October 4, 2009

Typical Sunday

This is how the kids iron their church clothes if they forget to do so the night before when we have 2 hours of the generator to use the electric iron.

Crazy, huh?

Sharif cutting do-do.

Mmmmmmm. . . .

Everyone wakes up early on sundays and gets to work! so much cooking to do! food must be almost ready by sunday school at 9ish

Everyone has a part!

i love cabbage!

We even have to have two stoves going!!

SOme food covered in banana leaves which is REALLY special and you mainly only get on sundays!

My plate of food. Cabbage. Cassava. Sweet potato. Cooked banana with ground nut sauce (which they aboslutely love, and i do not. . ..)

The 4 year old's plate of good. Yep, just grab a fish from the lake and throw it in the pot, then throw it inyourmouth. NOtice how huge this plate is for a 4 year old. and he its every last bit.

Lunch time!! Notice how many of them are hiding. Many of them are SO shy from pictures! Its hilarious

The lighting isnt great, but i hope you can see something. . . . .

Yay for sundays!


Alyse said...

Juliette do they call the cooked banana matoke there too? And I agree with you... the ground nut sauce... not so great... but they are obsessed!

Amy said...

This is a great post. I love to see "a day in the life" with photos. Thanks for taking the time to upload!