Monday, September 28, 2009

Bugs for Dinner Anyone?

Yep, it’s true, they eat bugs. I’ve been waiting for this.

One day Irene pulls out a little cup and says, "Auntie Juliette—Ants! We eat them!"

Already freaked out, I look in the cup and did not see ants but some much bigger bug with wings—many of them—still moving. Piled in this cup which is kept in the cupboard.
Turns out they call them "ants" because they come from the massive, human-size ant hills that are everywhere around here. But they are not what, at least I, have ever thought of as ants. They look more like moths. Insects with wings. I have not studied them hard enough to really identify them. Anyways, they fry them and eat them. And the kids are just SO proud of it. I tried not to shutter too much as they continually showed me the cup.

Well then later that night, they come in the house with not just a cup of these things, but a huge pot full of them and Sharif begins smashing them and mixing them. They were so excited about eating this! Luckily, I went to bed before they actually ate it.

But THEN, the next morning I was sitting at the table talking to Mama Jane. Lo and behold, what is she eating but a cup of those bugs!

Just chawmpin away at them.

And talking to me at the same time. It was so hard to look at her while she was talking. She then tells me that some of the kids were complaining that they had stomach aches today because of eating the bugs! But she did not, so she was eatin away!

They’ve eatin them a few more times since then and I simply try to divert my eyes. . . .Luckily they have not offered them to me. . . .


On a more appetizing note—Chapati! My favorite food here thus far! (yep, Alyse, you were right—delicious!) Well actually there are also these little treats which they call "daddies" that are my favorite too, but I’ve only had them twice. Its little fried balls of flour and sugar. Mmmmm.
Anyways, chapati is very similar to a tortilla.

The REALLY good ones are thicker and bigger than a tortilla. I’m not sure everything that is in there but for sure onions. . .i think garlic. . . flour. . . oil.. . .mmmm, so simple, yet so good!


Anonymous said...

They eat "flying ants" in Malawi too. They are usually only around for a certain part of the year... so you should definitely take advantage of them now! They very well could be your best source of protein, Juliette. Do I have to give the mom speech again?

Alyse said...

Yay! I truly miss chipati... there are times that I crave Uganda food so badly! Love reading your stuff!

BCS Fitness said...

Hey juju! Haydenand Ben want to see a picture of the bugs that are for dinner! hayden loved the picture of the HUGE ant hill! Thanks for posting the pictures, it really helps us picture what your life is like and it helps me to keep the kids connected! We love you and miss you so much!