Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This is Our God

One day I had lunch with Sahi. She is on staff here and is from Ethiopia. It was very encouraging to be with her for several reasons. She speaks the second best English here next to Uncle Francis, she cooked a delicious meal, and she has an extremely encouraging story of what our Miraculous Father has done in her life. Ethiopians cook with lots of seasoning, so as Sahi put it, she brought my tongue back to life after eating all of the rather bland food here. I told her how my family cooks with lots of spices and seasoning so not to be shy with the spice—it really did make me think, “Oh hello taste buds! It’s nice to know you’re still there!”

Also, I know this is a bold statement but it is complete truth—I had THE best cup of coffee I have ever had in my life. It was Ethiopian coffee and she put cinnamon in the grounds—wow. I must figure out how to get more!

Sahi’s story in a nut shell is that she was the first one in her Jewish family to know Jesus at the age of 13. The family wanted to literally kill her for her faith because it was against the law in Ethiopia at the time. She prayed for them for 9 years. One Christmas she came home and the entire family of 10 had come to know Jesus and were repenting for the way they treated her and praising her for her perseverance. The entire village around her family’s home persecuted them—stone their house and such for many years. But currently almost all of the village now follows Jesus! They transformed the entire village! Also, Sahi shared how before she knew Jesus, she was extremely sick all of the time—she couldn’t eat most foods, couldn’t sleep, etc. But once she started following Him, her health was transformed miraculously! What a mighty God! Sahi had many hard years, had to have much patience and endure much pain—but the Father is faithful and powerful!

Another story that brings me to praise. . . . Mama Jane
Mama Jane did not come to know Jesus until her early 30’s. She was a single mother of two and struggling to provide her children and herself. She also suffered severly from Malaria. She said she would take any pills she could find. She would take whatever random people would give her. Sometimes it worked, but it kept coming back. But once she came to know Jesus—the Malaria never came back! It has been 9 years and she has not had one episode! And she has taken no medicine! How incredible is that?

Yes, He heals us.
Yes, He loves us that much.
Yes, He did it in these women’s lives AND He wants to do it our very Western lives.
Yes, He is so mysterious and powerful.

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